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command processing中文是什么意思

用"command processing"造句"command processing"怎么读"command processing" in a sentence


  • 命令处理
  • 命令加工
  • 指令处理


  • Superiors assess your command results , not your command processes and procedures
  • But , this goal ca n ' t be reached at one time , but a long and effort - commanding process . how to help the students to form the habit of using , is a problem that every math ' s teacher in middle school should think carefully about
  • Based on cae system for construction curtain wall structure analysis , it presented a kind of parametric design language w - spdl and the architecture of its processor especially for construction curtain wall structure analysis , which can greatly enhance compound features of the system . it is also helpful to further developing for the system , batch commands processing , parametric design of structure analysis and simplifying the operation flows
    基于建筑幕墙结构计算机辅助工程分析系统,建立了一套适合建筑幕墙结构分析的参数化设计语言w - spdl ,并提出了一种开放性w - spdl宏处理器体系结构,提高了系统综合性能,并为基于系统进行二次开发、批命令处理、结构分析参数化设计以及简化用户操作流程等提供了支持。
  • With regard to the distributed computer control system , the paper gives a minute description on the hardware structure of the control computer , what ' s more , it provides a full and accurate supplement about the software design of the control computer system : data acquisition program , asynchronous serial communication program , command processing program , da output program etc . in addition , according to the standard of rs232 , it works out and realizes a convenient protocol which suits the asynchronous serial communication between the acquisition computer and the control computer
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